• Original research article
  • May 1, 2017
  • Open access



In this article the system analysis of the names of rural settlements in the German (Germany), French (France) and Russian (the Russian Federation) languages, used in the texts of architectural and town-planning problems, is carried out. Such names of settlements refer to the realia and represent the cultural and historical peculiarities of the life of three peoples. For translation of the names of rural settlements bilingual dictionaries usually give functional equivalents that contain a limited amount of information. In order to understand such realia and to make their appropriate translation the explanations and detailed descriptions missing in monolingual explanatory dictionaries as well are presented in the article.


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Author information

Nadezhda Gen'evna Kuznetsova

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

Irina Evgen'evna Zaitseva

Tomsk State University of Architecture and Building

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: May 1, 2017.


  • основные типы сельских поселений Германии, Франции и России
  • наименования сельских поселений в немецком, французском и русском языках
  • линейная застройка
  • полярная застройка
  • нерегулярная застройка
  • различия в номинации сельских поселений Германии, Франции и Российской Федерации
  • реалии
  • объяснения и развёрнутые описания реалий
  • перевод текстов архитектурно-градостроительной проблематики
  • main types of rural settlements in Germany, France and Russia
  • names of rural settlements in German, French and Russian
  • line building
  • diametrically opposed building
  • irregular building
  • differences in nomination of rural settlements of Germany, France and the Russian Federation
  • realia
  • explanations and detailed descriptions of realia
  • translation of texts of architectural and town-planning problems


© 2017 The Author(s)
© 2017 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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