• Original research article
  • November 1, 2017
  • Open access



In the article it is ascertained for the first time that in the past centuries three different books of different authors, having the same name - “Төхфәтүл-мөлүк” (“A Gift to the Rulers”), were written. One of them is a treatise in Arabic, which contains the foundations of the Muslim religion, the other book, written in a later period, represents the rights and the duties, the etiquette of rulers, the necessary scientific knowledge of geography and history for them. The third was compiled in the XIII century among the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria in the Polovets Turki. According to the presentation of the texts, it resembles an explanatory dictionary, but it is a book of dream interpretations. Unlike other similar collections, in this book dreams are interpreted from the perspective of rulers and warriors. It is also ascertained that this book of dream interpretations was not the only Mamluks’ fortune-telling book. It is revealed that they used “Йолдызнамә” (“Horoscope”) as well. Consequently, mystical and mythological ideas, the desire to know the future and to unravel the fate were not alien to the Mamluks.


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Author information

Farit Zakizyanovich Yakhin

G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: November 1, 2017.


  • мамлюки
  • сонник
  • гороскоп
  • символы сновидений
  • трактовка с позиции правителей и воинов
  • книга по шариату
  • the Mamluks
  • book of dream interpretations
  • horoscope
  • symbols of dreams
  • interpretation from the perspective of rulers and warriors
  • book on Sharia


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