The article examines the peculiarities of preserving the modal meanings of the verbs can, may, must, will/shall when translating the Anglo-American works of fiction into the Tatar language. This takes into account the main tendencies of the translation of modal verbs within the framework of existing translations and suggests alternative ways of transforming modal meanings using lexical, morphological, grammatical and stylistic compositions of the Tatar language. In the process of transition from the original language to Tatar, cultural-moral, ethnic and regional fundamentals of literary translation are taken into account. Thus, the study relies not only on factual material, but it also involves the use of comparative linguistics, typology, theory and practice of translation, and cultural studies. An extensive view on the notion “modality” and the use of non-ordinary methods of analyzing the work of fiction make it possible to go beyond the established definitions and expand the field of the modality of the literary text. The work also marks the problem of literary translation from English into Tatar and determines the ways of further research development.
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About this article
Publication history
- Published: March 1, 2018.
- лингвистика
- сравнительно-сопоставительное языкознание
- модальные слова
- can
- may
- must
- will
- shall
- теория и практика перевода
- татарский язык
- linguistics
- comparative linguistics
- modal words
- theory and practice of translation
- the Tatar language
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