The article examines the problem of transferring colloquialisms when translating B. Akunin’s literary works. The author provides a survey of the existing views on the problem of translating colloquial vocabulary. Special attention is paid to the techniques for transferring colloquialisms, among which the author identifies the following ones: 1) common-literary words with subsequent references or the translator’s commentary compensating for the lost information; 2) partial equivalents in the target language; 3) descriptive translation; 4) generalization. The author evaluates the degree of preservation of stylistic colouring, national colour and cultural and dialectal specificity of colloquial vocabulary.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: March 30, 2018.
- Published: July 1, 2018.
- просторечие
- нулевая передача
- нейтрализация
- эквивалентность
- описательный перевод
- компенсация
- транскрипция
- семантическая потеря
- colloquialism
- zero transfer
- neutralization
- equivalence
- descriptive translation
- compensation
- transcription
- semantic loss
© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC