• Original research article
  • November 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the hybrid word formation of the German verbs according to the “German prefix + borrowed stem” model. The issues of hybrid word formation in the German language have received wide coverage in domestic and foreign scientific literature. At the same time, the ability of the German prefixes to connect with borrowed verbal stems, primarily borrowed from French and English, remains out of the field of researchers’ view. The paper analyses what German prefixes are involved in the hybrid word formation of verbs: these are 4 prefixes ent- , miss- , ver- , zer- , the most frequent is ver- . In addition, unlike other prefixes, it embodies not one but several meanings. These prefixes are combined with the stems that have passed through the first stage of assimilation - the grammatical one. The functioning of hybrid verbs confirms the assumption of the partially autonomous system of hybrid word formation in modern German.


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Author information

Sergei Aleksandrovich Zhilyuk

Saint Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 1, 2018.
  • Published: November 1, 2018.


  • заимствование
  • грамматическая ассимиляция иностранного слова
  • словообразование немецкого языка
  • гибридная префиксация
  • словообразование немецких глаголов
  • гибридная система словообразования
  • borrowing
  • grammatical assimilation of foreign word
  • word formation of the German language
  • hybrid prefixation
  • word formation of the German verbs
  • hybrid system of word formation


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