• Original research article
  • November 1, 2018
  • Open access



The article is devoted to the detailed consideration of graffiti texts from the point of view of the graphic component. The objective of the study is to analyse the characteristic features of the graphic representation of this type of texts. In order to identify the general patterns of the graffiti method of speech activity, the authors turn to the experimental approach. The task of the experiment is to describe graphic tools as a system of parameters that participates in the organization of a graffiti text, and represents its content. The main focus of the authors is on the very form of graffiti representation, where the number of word forms in the text is one of the key indicators.


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Author information

Natal’ya Vladimirovna Streneva

Orenburg State University

Marina Yur’evna Krapivina

Orenburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 22, 2018.
  • Published: November 1, 2018.


  • тексты-граффити
  • графическая репрезентация
  • объем текста
  • фактура поверхности
  • граффитический способ речевой деятельности
  • фрейм граффити
  • graffiti texts
  • graphic representation
  • text size
  • surface texture
  • graffiti mode of speech activity
  • graffiti frame


© 2018 The Author(s)
© 2018 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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