• Original research article
  • June 26, 2020
  • Open access

Incomplete Reply as Part of Evasion Strategy: Analysis of Focus Elements in Speech


The article studies cognitive, pragmatic and linguistic features of incomplete replies as a part of the communicative strategy of evasion by the material of television talk-show programmes. The work aims to study ways in which incomplete replies function in a question-and-answer speech complex from the perspective of (de)focusing cognitive mechanisms underlying the evasion strategy, which has determined novelty of the research. As a result of the carried-out analysis, the mechanisms most frequently employed in incomplete replies are discovered, the most common lexical and stylistic means of realising these mechanisms are determined.


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Author information

Snezhana Nikolaevna Isaeva

Moscow State Linguistic University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 21, 2020.
  • Published: June 26, 2020.


  • стратегия уклонения
  • уклонение
  • неполный ответ
  • когнитивные механизмы
  • (де)фокусирование
  • evasion strategy
  • evasion
  • incomplete reply
  • cognitive mechanisms
  • (de)focusing


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