• Original research article
  • December 30, 2020
  • Open access

Realization of Communicative Strategy of Glorification in the Modern German-Language Media Discourse (by the Example of Media Texts on COVID-19 Issue)


The research objective includes identifying the means to realize the pragmatic potential of the German-language media texts dedicated to the relevant issue of struggle against COVID-19. The analysis of the modern media content (posters, publications, stickers) allows revealing peculiarities of COVID-19 fighters’ representation. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the researcher identifies objects of glorification in the German-language media texts on COVID-19 issue and describes the means to realize this communicative strategy. The research findings are as follows: communicative tactics of glorification are revealed; the role of visual information in this process is determined.


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Author information

Svetlana Jurievna Poluykova

Omsk State Pedagogical University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 20, 2020.
  • Published: December 30, 2020.


  • немецкоязычные медиатексты
  • коммуникативная стратегия героизации
  • коммуникативная тактика
  • дискурсивные практики
  • прагматический потенциал
  • German-language media texts
  • communicative strategy of glorification
  • communicative tactics
  • discursive practices
  • pragmatic potential


© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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