Correlation of Conceptual Fields “Theatre” - “Theatricality” (by the Example of the Russian and French Languages)
The research objectives are as follows: to identify the content of the notions “theatre”, “theatricality”, to reveal correlation of these notions taking into account linguistic, epistemological and semiotic aspects. The study is conducted by the material of the Russian and French languages. The authors ascertain the basic linguistic and extra-linguistic characteristics of the notions under consideration, reveal specificity of the conceptual fields “theatre” - “theatricality”, which constitutes scientific originality of the paper. The research findings are as follows: within the research area (language realization of the linguo-semiotic category “theatricality”, its key characteristics, means for its realization at different text levels), the article identifies definitional features of nuclear lexemes, describes synonymic paradigms of dominant lexemes, analyses correlation of the conceptual fields “theatre” - “theatricality”.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: November 14, 2020.
- Published: December 30, 2020.
- понятийное поле «театр»
- понятийное поле «театральность»
- лингвосемиотика
- conceptual field “theatre”
- conceptual field “theatricality”
- linguo-semiotics
© 2020 The Author(s)
© 2020 Gramota Publishing, LLC