Peculiarities of Defence Speeches in the Modern American Juridical Discourse (by the Material of Defence Speech of D. Trump’s Lawyer)
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of modern-day defence speeches by the material of the defence speech of D. Trump’s lawyer. The paper aims to reveal communicative peculiarities of the modern American defence speeches, to identify rhetorical devices and persuasive techniques used by lawyers. Special attention is paid to analysing a newly appeared juridical term widely used in modern juridical discourse. Scientific novelty is conditioned by the fact that modern-day defence speech is for the first time considered from the viewpoint of linguistics and also by the fact that the study is based on newest factual material which has not been previously investigated by domestic and foreign researchers. The findings are as follows: the author identifies lexical means of verbal influence, reveals figurative-expressive means used by lawyers to increase persuasiveness of their arguments.
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Author information
About this article
Publication history
- Received: March 12, 2021.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- юридический дискурс
- защитительная речь
- языковые средства выразительности
- культура отмены на законном основании
- juridical discourse
- defence speech
- linguistic means of expressiveness
- constitutional cancel culture
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