Syntactic Structures of the Concept DREAM/ХЫЯЛ in the English and Tatar Languages (by the Example of Romantic Discourse)
The research objective is as follows: to reveal distinctive and similar features of the concept DREAM/ХЫЯЛ in the Russian and Tatar languages. Scientific originality of the study lies in the fact that the authors for the first time provide a comparative analysis of the concept DREAM/ХЫЯЛ by the material of the English and Tatar romantic literature. The conducted research allows concluding about the presence of similar syntactic functions. Syntactic differences can be explained by the fact that the Russian and Tatar languages belong to different language groups; moreover, the Tatar lexeme possesses the meaning “dynamic action” relevant for the Tatar romantic poetry.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: February 24, 2021.
- Published: April 30, 2021.
- синтаксические структуры
- концепт DREAM/ХЫЯЛ
- член предложения
- syntactic structures
- concept DREAM/ХЫЯЛ
- sentence member
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