• Original research article
  • February 28, 2022
  • Open access

Originality of the Poetics of the Cycle “House under a Pear Tree” by E. Vasilyeva


The aim of the research is to determine the peculiarities of poetics of E. Vasilyeva’s cycle “House under a Pear Tree”, written in the name of the fictional Chinese poet Li Xiang Tzu. The article examines the reception of traditional Chinese culture by E. Vasilyeva and analyses the specificity of the metric-strophical structure of the poems. The scientific originality of the research lies in a comprehensive analysis of the poetics of the cycle, both at substantive and formal levels. As a result, it was proved that the reception of Chinese culture in the cycle of E. Vasilyeva is a complex synthesis of everyday realities and literary, philosophical, mythological heritage of ancient China. The originality of the cycle poetics lies not only in the “Chinese flavour”, but also in the uniqueness of the metric-strophical structure.


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This publication was carried out with the financial support of the State Committee of the People’s Republic of China on Management of the Study Abroad Fund.

Author information

Yan Niu

Saint-Petersburg State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 2, 2021.
  • Published: February 28, 2022.


  • русская поэзия начала XX века
  • рецепция
  • стилизация
  • традиционная китайская культура
  • стихотворная структура
  • Russian poetry of the early XX century
  • reception
  • stylization
  • traditional Chinese culture
  • poetic structure


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