• Original research article
  • May 31, 2022
  • Open access

Practical Reflection on Non-Traditional Forms of Conducting Classes in Cooperative Learning as a Way of Foreign Language Learning at a Pedagogical University


The purpose of the study is to present the experience of using various non-traditional forms of conducting classes in cooperative learning as a learning strategy that involves students’ cooperation in groups, increases motivation and contributes to critical thinking development. The paper analyses the practical experience of work that is aimed at implementing the principle of cooperative learning and makes it possible to activise the educational process in the discipline “Practice of Oral and Written Speech of the English Language”, to increase the level of foreign language proficiency and helps to form professional competencies of future teachers. Scientific novelty of the study lies in describing the stages of working with non-traditional forms of conducting classes in cooperative learning with language students at a pedagogical university. The paper shows the types and order of tasks when using a cooperative learning strategy. As a result of the study, the researchers have developed three-stage non-traditional forms of conducting classes within the cooperative learning strategy for students pursuing a degree in “Pedagogical Education”.


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Author information

Anastasia Nikolaevna Voitkova


Irkutsk State University

Tatiana Vladimirivna Goncharova


Irkutsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 4, 2022.
  • Published: May 31, 2022.


  • кооперативное обучение
  • нетрадиционные формы занятия
  • развитие критического мышления
  • профессиональные компетенции будущих учителей
  • студенты языковых специальностей
  • cooperative learning
  • non-traditional forms of conducting classes
  • critical thinking development
  • professional competencies of future teachers
  • language students


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