• Original research article
  • May 31, 2022
  • Open access

Specifics of the Modern Chechen Literature Genre System Developing (Based on Kanta Ibragimov’s Military-Historical Prose)


The aim of this research is to outline the specifics of developing the spiritual sphere of modern Chechnya and, in this context, to characterize the creative work of Kanta Ibragimov, who played a key role in the development of the national literature genre system. The scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time attempts are made to study evolutionary processes in the modern genre system of the Chechen literature, to identify the tradition of military-historical prose that is being formed in it, to introduce Kanta Ibragimov’s works into wide scientific circulation, to study the features of the historical and cultural context where he evolved as a writer. The uniqueness of the situation in Kanta Ibragimov’s case lies in the fact that he, who is one of the most active and sought-after authors in the national literature, remains out of scholars’ limelight. The results obtained make it possible to talk about the long-standing and constantly developing traditions of military-historical prose in the modern Chechen literature, about Kanta Ibragimov’s significant contribution to this process.


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Author information

Subran Islamovna Inarkayeva


Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny

Zukhra Idrisovna Yakhyaeva


Chechen State Pedagogical University, Grozny

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: March 28, 2022.
  • Published: May 31, 2022.


  • историко-культурный контекст
  • современный чеченский литературный процесс
  • жанровая система
  • традиция
  • военно-историческая проза
  • historical and cultural context
  • modern Chechen literary process
  • genre system
  • tradition
  • military-historical prose


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