• Original research article
  • October 10, 2022
  • Open access

Verb Tense Forms as a Means of Simultaneity Expression in English and Russian


The paper analyses the functioning of verb forms as means of expressing the semantics of simultaneity in English and Russian. The aim of the paper is to identify allomorphic and isomorphic features of the functioning of tense forms as morphological means of simultaneity expression. The study is novel in that it identifies correlative forms in both languages and at the same time considers variability of the meanings of simultaneity that they represent. Isomorphism is manifested in the fact that the conjunction “while” / «пока» explicating the meaning of simultaneity in polypredicative complexes - compound sentences is used in both languages. Allomorphism is found in the fact that the potential of expression by tense forms is much higher in the Russian language compared to English. The coincidence of imperfect forms and the present tense forms of predicates leads to actualisation of the meaning of complete, unlimited simultaneity, while the use of different tense forms leads to the realisation of partial simultaneity.


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Author information

Gulnara Firdavisovna Lutfullina


Kazan State Power Engineering University

Anastasya Evgenievna Antropova

Kazan State Power Engineering University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 13, 2022.
  • Published: October 10, 2022.


  • одновременность
  • глагольные средства выражения
  • личные формы
  • полипредикативный комплекс
  • simultaneity
  • verbal means of expression
  • finite forms
  • polypredicative complex


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