• Original research article
  • October 10, 2022
  • Open access

Political Posters of the Perestroika Period as a Socio-Cultural and Communicative-Pragmatic Unity


The paper is devoted to identifying the features of the interaction between signs belonging to different semiotic systems in the context of Soviet political posters of the perestroika period. The study aims to identify the specific (universal and individual) characteristics of posters of the perestroika period as polycode texts. These texts are considered as special formations that are perceived through the visual communication channel, they combine verbal, graphic and iconic codes. Scientific novelty is accounted for by the fact that Soviet political posters of the perestroika period are little-studied in terms of the structure, extralinguistic basis and the functioning of elements of a heterogeneous (nonlinear) text. The study is novel in that it is the first to choose Soviet political posters of the perestroika period for analysis, as their content provides information about a person’s value attitudes, political preferences and worldview, as a rule, they carry a pragmatic attitude, i.e. they act as an instrument of influence on an individual and entire social groups. As a result, it has been proved that the specificity of these texts is determined by the author’s linguopragmatics and extralinguistic factors.


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Author information

Dinara Rinatovna Mukhametshina

Kazan Federal University (Elabuga Institute)

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: September 13, 2022.
  • Published: October 10, 2022.


  • поликодовый текст
  • политический плакат
  • вербальные коды
  • графические коды
  • иконические коды
  • polycode text
  • political poster
  • verbal codes
  • graphic codes
  • iconic codes


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