• Original research article
  • October 10, 2022
  • Open access

Tukay Studies in Germany: The View of the German Scholar Michael Friederich


The research aims to trace changes in the attitude to the creative work of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay in a historical retrospective based on the monograph “Gabdulla Tukay as an Object of Ideological Struggle” by the German Turkologist Michael Friederich. Using a number of examples, the paper shows that this work not only reflects the latest trends in foreign literary studies, but also is a kind of marker in foreign Tukay studies. M. Friederich explores scientific research of the Soviet period devoted to G. Tukay’s life and work both in the historical and political context, noting various objective and subjective factors that influenced the assessment and interpretation, gives original interpretations that differ from the prevailing Soviet ideologemes. Scientific novelty of the paper lies in determining the development of current trends in literary criticism in relation to G. Tukay in 1913-1980, in describing its evolution. The research findings amount to the substantiation of the influence that ideologies of various historical periods had on the literary criticism of G. Tukay’s creative work and to the identification of the attitude to this criticism and G. Tukay’s creative work of a scholar from a different culture.


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Author information

Guzel Ilsurovna Gimatdinova

G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 21, 2022.
  • Published: October 10, 2022.


  • татарская литература XX века
  • литературная критика
  • тукаеведение
  • Г. Тукай
  • изучение творчества Г. Тукая за рубежом
  • Tatar literature of the XX century
  • literary criticism
  • Tukay studies
  • G. Tukay
  • study of G. Tukay’s creative work abroad


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