• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Synthetic Matrix of I. Bunin’s Translated Short Story “The Young Pilgrim”


The paper is devoted to the analysis of Ivan Bunin’s translated short story “The Young Pilgrim” (1931), which was included in the book “Provençal Tales Retold”. The research is undertaken in order to comprehend the role of folklore in the formation of the poetic world of the Bunin text created as a translation (more precisely, a “retelling”) of a novella by the French writer Frédéric Mistral (1830-1914), Nobel laureate (1904). The authors of the paper identify the main dominants of the folklore world of the short story, differentiate between the translated and original components of the text, trace the trends in the embodiment of the Western European space and the features of central characters’ personality and behaviour through the lens of folklore fairy tales, parables, legends. In particular, the authors draw attention to the “mixing” of the strategies of folklore and literature, the secular and religious texts, the principles of visual and verbal art in the text of the translated short story. The research is original in that it is the first to analyse the short story “The Young Pilgrim”, which has not previously attracted critics’ attention, and to emphasise the heterogeneous, different-style components of the source and translated texts. As a result, it has been proved that the “weakness” of Bunin’s translated short story is primarily due to the dependence on the artistic world of F. Mistral’s novella, which is based on folk legends and tales. It has been shown that Bunin’s knowledge of the basics and principles of Russian folklore helped the writer to ensure the compatibility of heterogeneous stylistic strategies proposed by the primary source.


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Author information

Olga Vladimirovna Bogdanova


A. I. Herzen Russian State Pedagogical University, St. Petersburg

Minjie Liu

Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 27, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • И. Бунин
  • рассказ «Юный пилигрим»
  • цикл «Провансальские пересказы»
  • система героев
  • фольклор
  • I. Bunin
  • short story “The Young Pilgrim”
  • cycle “Provençal Tales Retold”
  • character system
  • folklore


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