• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

The Hedging Marker “Quasi” in the Function of a Discursive Word


The aim of the research is to describe the conditions under which the German hedging marker “quasi” takes on the function of a discursive word. The consideration of this issue is determined by the fact that particles, adverbs, modal words are characterised by transitivity - they change their functional purpose depending on the contextual environment. The paper deals with the study of one of the cases of such a transition - the possibility of using a hedging marker in the function of a discursive word. The research is novel in that it is the first to describe the conditions under which hedging markers can act as discursive words. As a result, by using the descriptive method, the method of contextual and comparative analysis, it has been shown that the hedging marker “quasi” can perform the function of a discursive word in dialogical speech when the speaker experiences certain difficulties in formulating their thoughts. In this usage, the word “quasi” does not perform the function of toning down an utterance. The structuring function of “quasi” comes to the fore. Its purpose is to fill the pauses in the conversation; there may be a transition from one micro topic to another. As a rule, the speaker uses other discursive markers, such as “ähm”, “jetzt”, “oder”, “und” etc. (‘um’, ‘now’, ‘or’, ‘and’), in an utterance with “quasi”.


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Author information

Olesia Felixovna Serebrova

Moscow State Region University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 7, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • дискурсивный маркер
  • структурирующая функция
  • хедж-маркер quasi
  • хеджирование
  • discursive marker
  • structuring function
  • hedging marker “quasi”
  • hedging


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