• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Phraseological Units with the Components «время» / “time” / “temps” as a Reflection of the Features of Reality Conceptualisation by Linguistic Means


The research aims to describe the specifics of conceptualisation of the notion of “time” by means of phraseological units of the Russian, English and French languages with the components «время» / “time” / “temps”. The paper attempts to classify and analyse these linguistic means from the viewpoint of the peculiarities of native speakers’ mentality reflected in them at the level of reality comprehension. The research is the first to conduct a comprehensive study of phraseosemantic fields of the Russian, English and French languages through the lens of national and cultural specifics while focusing on the semantics of individual lexemes within these phraseological units during the comparative analysis. It has been found that the notion of “time” is understood by native speakers taking into account different aspects: time can be thought of as a subject and an object of action, can have temporal properties. The identified structural and semantic connections of the components «время» / “time” / “temps” with other components of phraseological units make it possible to determine the meanings significant for the representatives of each language culture contained in the studied phraseological units. As a result, it has been proved that, on the one hand, the components «время» / “time” / “temps” have universal characteristics in various languages, on the other hand, they demonstrate the national originality of the reality conceptualisation process recorded by the phraseological stocks of these languages.


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Author information

Zhanna Pavlovna Zalipaeva


Academician Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Elena Dmitrievna Selifonova


Academician Petrovsky Bryansk State University

Larisa Arkadyevna Sleptsova


Academician Petrovsky Bryansk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 18, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • фразеологизм
  • лексема «время»
  • языковая картина мира
  • концептуализация действительности
  • языковые средства
  • phraseological unit
  • lexeme «время»
  • linguistic worldview
  • reality conceptualisation
  • linguistic means


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