• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

New Poetic Translation and Analysis of Figurative and Expressive Means Used in Du Fu’s Poem “I’m Leaving Langzhong”


The aim of this study is to complete a new literary translation of Du Fu’s poem “I’m Leaving Langzhong”. The scientific novelty of the study is due to the fact that literary translation is a transformation of prose translation, and the latter, in turn, is based on the analysis of all the lines of the poem in terms of immediate constituents and the study of the figurative and expressive means of the original work. The immediate constituents analysis also allows us to classify parallel fragments of the poem in question according to direction. As a result, the proposed poetic translation, on the one hand, quite accurately conveys the meaning of the original poem, and on the other hand, meets the requirements and expectations of the widest range of the Russian-speaking readers. In addition, the analysis of the figurative and expressive means used by Du Fu is carried out. It is proved that the poem contains parallel fragments characterized by both vertical and horizontal symmetry. Parallelism is complemented by rhetorical questions, antitheses and hyperboles. The performed analysis of the means of artistic expression will allow more fully preserving the figurativeness of the original work in the translation text.


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Author information

Arseny Vladimirovich Skvortsov


Moscow City University

Tatyana Ivanovna Kondratova


Moscow City University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 19, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • танская поэзия
  • параллелизм
  • анализ по непосредственным составляющим
  • классификация словосочетаний классического китайского языка
  • художественный перевод
  • Tang poetry
  • parallelism
  • immediate constituents analysis
  • classification of phrases of classical Chinese
  • literary translation


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