• Original research article
  • December 30, 2022
  • Open access

Artistic Originality of L. Chebodaeva’s Works for Children


The article, for the first time in the Khakass literary criticism, considers L. I. Chebodaeva’s literary work, which has not previously become a subject of scientific study. The aim is to identify the features of the artistic originality of L. Chebodaeva’s works for children. The scientific novelty is due to the introduction into scientific circulation of works addressed to children as an important material for the scientific study of the modern literary process of Khakassia. The article proves that animalistic images in L. Chebodaeva’s fairy tales, composed as fairy tales - dialogues, are a means of moral teaching, condemnation of human vices. The paper substantiates the use of a literary device in the stories - the boy Ayolka’s dream, the image of the hero-narrator grandfather Amon and the functions of fairy-tale narration. As a result, it has been revealed that, performing disciplinary, educational and aesthetic functions, L. Chebodaeva’s works have such an artistic form that is accessible to children’s perception; they introduce children of primary and secondary school age to the spiritual and moral values and traditions of the Khakass people, nature and wildlife of their native land, beauty and expressiveness of the artistic word and are focused on the formation of a highly moral person who honors their people, land, native language, national traditions, etc.


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Author information

Larisa Viktorovna Cheltygmasheva


Khakass Research Institute for Language, Literature, and History, Abakan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 14, 2022.
  • Published: December 30, 2022.


  • Лариса Ильинична Чебодаева
  • детская литература
  • тематика
  • художественное своеобразие
  • воспитание
  • Larisa Ilyinichna Chebodaeva
  • children’s literature
  • subject matter
  • artistic originality
  • upbringing


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