• Original research article
  • March 31, 2023
  • Open access

Specifics of Teaching Foreign Language Speaking to Students at a Non-Linguistic University in the Distance Learning Format


The paper aims to identify the approaches that positively affect the development of skills of such a productive type of speech activity as speaking in educational situations of communication in English in groups of students of non-linguistic programmes of study. The paper examines the factors and conditions of teaching foreign language speaking at a non-linguistic university; determines the level of attention to the development of this type of speech activity in university curricula; presents the main difficulties faced by students of non-linguistic faculties in the process of communicative foreign language practice. The scientific novelty of the research lies in the fact that the author proposes ways to teach foreign language speaking to students in a more effective manner based on the shortcomings and problems of the existing approaches to foreign language education at non-linguistic universities. As a result of the research, the insufficient emphasis of Russian university curricula on teaching foreign language speaking at a non-linguistic university has been revealed, which is accounted for by the preservation of the markers of the traditional didactic paradigm, i.e. instructivism, despite the transition to constructivism declared in regulatory and strategic documents. The analysis of the existing pedagogical practice shows that the scientific-methodological experience accumulated by Russian didactics concerns mostly asynchronous distance learning forms, while online lessons are not sufficiently developed. In addition, the existing studies in the field of online learning demonstrate a return to the instructional teaching paradigm. The paper also presents and analyses the effective techniques and technologies of distance teaching of foreign language speaking at a non-linguistic university.


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Author information

Marina Nikolaevna Bocharova


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 2, 2023.
  • Published: March 31, 2023.


  • обучение иностранному языку
  • говорение
  • top-down processing
  • bottom-up processing
  • инструктивизм
  • конструктивизм
  • моделирование диалогов
  • игровое моделирование
  • foreign language teaching
  • speaking
  • instructivism
  • constructivism
  • dialogue modelling
  • game modelling


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© 2023 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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