• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

Artistic contexts of the Moksha-Russian language “switching” of Raisa Orlova


The research aims to identify the main artistic contexts and to show the relevant linguopoetic features of the language “switching” from the native Moksha language to Russian of the famous modern Mordovian poet Raisa Orlova. The paper examines works with mainly religious and love-existential themes. Special attention is paid to the increased actualization of infinitive writing in the poetic texts, the structural-compositional and semantic models of infinitive series are identified and analyzed. The scientific novelty of the paper lies in considering the block of Christian texts and contexts that have developed in R. Orlova’s creative work after the transition to Russian and have not been previously studied by philologists. In addition, the novelty is determined by addressing the infinitive structures of poems that are specifically peculiar to the author’s Russian-language poems. As a result, the Russian language of Orlova’s lyric works was found to be devoid of the stylistic irregularity and grammatical deformity characteristic of many national authors who switched from their native language to Russian. The language transition predetermined significant problem-thematic changes in Orlova’s artistic outlook, became an important stage in her creative biography.


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Author information

Aleksey Andreevich Arzamazov


Kazan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 3, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • национальная литература
  • языковое «переключение»
  • образная система
  • инфинитивное письмо
  • литературный билингвизм
  • national literature
  • language “switching”
  • system of images
  • infinitive writing
  • literary bilingualism


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