• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

Character type of a fool as a cultural phenomenon in German jokes


The aim of the research is to elicit the means of explication of the cultural component in German jokes. Stupidity is a universal phenomenon, and it is laughed at in many cultures. We can, however, presume that the means of its explication are culture-specific. Cultural peculiarities of jokes can presumably manifest themselves in three different ways: text composition, characters typical of certain social medium, and the use of language means. The academic novelty of the research lies in bringing to light the preferable means of explication of different aspects of culture in jokes about fools. The results of the research show that text composition in jokes is identical in different cultures due to the (supranational) rules of the genre or the type of text. But the character types of a fool in German social community and the way of their language representation are definitely culture-bound. The roles of fools are performed by civil servants, policemen, Frisians, children, all women in general, and blondes in particular. As to the language, the cultural peculiarities are conveyed by different naming units (names and realia), dialect, puns, polysemy, homonymy and double actualization (the clash of direct and figurative meanings). Further research can focus attention on scenarios typical of jokes, as well as the problems of translatability with regard to peculiarities of different language systems.


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Author information

Sergei Juryevich Shcherbina


Pacific National University, Khabarovsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 10, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • лингвистика текста
  • анекдот
  • культурно обусловленный
  • стереотип
  • типаж глупца
  • text linguistics
  • joke
  • culture-bound
  • stereotype
  • character type of a fool


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