• Original research article
  • July 10, 2023
  • Open access

Philosophical and aesthetic introspection in M. Akhmedov’s poetry (on the materials of the book “On the Edge of the Century”)


The aim of the study is determined by the identification of the main, most important components of the artistic and aesthetic introspection in M. Akhmedov’s works used by him taking into account the realities of human and society life at the turn of the XX-XXI centuries and determining the place of literature and the writer in it. The paper is novel in that it represents the first attempt to analyse M. Akhmedov’s poetic works from the book “On the Edge of the Century”, their artistic elements that form the basis of the poet’s philosophical and aesthetic introspection. The results of the study are as follows: the poetic works from M. Akhmedov’s book “On the Edge of the Century” are dedicated to the relevant themes in fiction, in which the role and purpose of a poet, citizen and person in society remains the main issue. The creative searches of M. Akhmedov are accompanied by ambiguous philosophical thoughts about man and life, among which the philosophical and aesthetic introspection serves as the fundamental meaning-forming core around which his poetic worldview is built. M. Akhmedov interprets the existence of man, the meaning of human life, the fate of man through the philosophical and aesthetic introspection of the events and facts of the turn of the centuries, through the understanding of his inner world in the world of new realities, his position in relation to the new spiritual climate at the turn of the centuries. Russian literature, along with Dagestan literature, had a significant impact on the evolution of M. Akhmedov’s artistic thought, his philosophical worldview.


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Author information

Shanisat Magomedovna Gadzhilova


Institute of Language, Literature and Arts of the Dagestan Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Makhachkala

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 19, 2023.
  • Published: July 10, 2023.


  • М. Ахмедов
  • философско-эстетическая интроспекция
  • художественное сознание
  • аварская литература
  • творческие поиски
  • M. Akhmedov
  • philosophical and aesthetic introspection
  • artistic consciousness
  • Avar literature
  • creative searches


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