Language units of subject semantics as an actualizer of the verbal and cogitative category of situationality in the Russian and English languages
The aim of the research is to identify the peculiarities of speech representation of the verbal and cogitative category of situationality by language units of subject semantics placed in the subject position in a sentence. The researcher uses the method of morphothemic analysis, which combines the study of the semantics and the form of language and speech units. The novelty consists in the representation of cognitive transformations in the structure of a non-situational syntagmeme when used with situational reference in speech. In addition, the peculiarities of speech creativity of such kind were described in the Russian and English languages. The research findings demonstrate the similarity of language instruments used in the Russian and English languages to denote various speech situations, verifying the thesis about the universal character of the category of situationality. Although, Russian-speaking authors employ creative speech products more often than English-speaking ones (39% and 31% respectively), frequently using thing-names with situational reference in the subject position in a sentence, while in the English-language discourse, situations tend to be denoted by already existing situational names as well as deictic linguemes with a wide referential scope.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: June 26, 2023.
- Published: August 29, 2023.
- речевая репрезентация
- категория ситуативности
- морфотемный анализ
- синтагмема
- speech representation
- category of situationality
- morphothemic analysis
- syntagmeme
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