• Original research article
  • August 29, 2023
  • Open access

Genre originality of A. Akhmetgalieva’s short stories


The aim of the study is to identify the genre features peculiar to the short stories by A. Akhmetgalieva. The paper highlights the most important components of the poetics of a short story: structure, content, means of expression, a character’s distinctness, forms and methods of the author’s self-expression. The scientific originality of the study lies in determining the area of the writer’s literary searches by analysing the short stories from the perspective of genre originality, as well as by assessing how the artistic means and techniques used by the author serve to provide insight into the relevant problems of our time. As a result, the following has been found: a) the author further enriched the variety of types of the traditional figures of speech and techniques peculiar to Tatar literature, attaching new semantic shades to them, in particular, using such forms as a diary, dreams, the technique of highlighting artistic details, as well as the images of Memory, Dream; b) the synthetism inherent in A. Akhmetgalieva’s works is marked by the intertwining with the features of the novella in some short stories, while in others – with that of the neser; c) in the centre of the short stories, there are characters who are left alone, their lives are depicted from the viewpoint of the philosophy of existentialism; d) in the compositional construction, there is a peculiar author’s technique of starting and ending the stories, as well as the organic use of circular composition, which makes it possible to reveal the content of the work more fully, providing an opportunity for a comparative assessment of the past and present.


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Author information

Chulpan Ramzilevna Sharipova

G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art of the Tatarstan Academy of Sciences, Kazan

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: June 15, 2023.
  • Published: August 29, 2023.


  • татарская проза
  • А. Ахметгалиева
  • жанровые особенности
  • композиционное построение рассказа
  • компоненты поэтики рассказа
  • Tatar prose
  • A. Akhmetgalieva
  • genre features
  • compositional construction of a short story
  • components of the poetics of a short story


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