• Original research article
  • August 31, 2023
  • Open access

Informational matraquage and infobesity: Discourse realities of the modern media space


The research aims to highlight the universal linguosemiotic features of the modern media-digital cluster. The scientific novelty of the paper consists in a comprehensive identification of the features of the discourse models for discursive manipulation in the texts of modern mass media in line with the study of the linguosemiotic mechanisms of the functioning of matraquage discourse, both in the space of a complete utterance and at the level of the universal pool of world linguoculture. The scientific novelty of the research also consists in introducing into active scientific use the terms “raw information”, “matraquage discourse” and “infobesity” in order to clarify the conceptual apparatus and to achieve a clearer semantic structuring of the terminological system of information theory and communication theory. One of the main epistemological aspects of the paper is the development of the problems of macrodiscursive interpretation of the media space as a semiotic whole and value, i.e. the issues of searching for the foundations of subjective or universal identity, which can be addressed, in one way or another, by referring to language. An important point of the research is the synergy between the conceptual and epistemic dimensions of knowledge, in other words, between the linguistic and conceptual analysis of media discourse in line with the interpretative-semiological approach. The achieved results showed the predominance of universal features in media discourse and also made it possible to detect information about the elements of the worldview and cognition of the collective actor of matraquage discourse at the level of media discourse functioning. The obtained data made it possible to identify a number of socio-cultural features in the linguistic thinking of the consumer of media information that are required to overcome crisis-related and stressful situations associated with infobesity on the path of existential and psychological stabilisation of cognition and communication behavioural models.


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Author information

Arkadiy Petrovich Sedykh


Moscow International University; Belgorod National Research University; Belgorod State Technological University

Elvira Nikolajevna Akimova


Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow

Andrey Vladimirovich Shcherbakov


Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 7, 2023.
  • Published: August 31, 2023.


  • медийно-цифровой кластер
  • дискурс-матракаж
  • информационное ожирение
  • концептосфера современных СМИ
  • информационная экосистема
  • media-digital cluster
  • matraquage discourse
  • information obesity
  • conceptual sphere of modern mass media
  • information ecosystem


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