• Original research article
  • September 4, 2023
  • Open access

Substantivisation of participles as a way for the formation of naming units for persons alternative to suffixation (based on the material of the German language)


The study aims to determine the reasons for the increasing popularity of naming units for persons in the form of participles in the modern German language and to characterise the features of their meanings. The paper considers frequent naming units for persons formed from participles by means of substantivisation. Possible variants of the semantics of such words depending on the type of the participle are characterised. It is shown that in many cases, there are semantic differences influencing the choice of one or another option in a particular context between these lexical units and their synonyms that are products of suffixation. Examples of this type of naming units used in the texts of the German press devoted to the field of education, professional activities and social problems are given. The scientific novelty consists in considering the reasons for the criticism of such vocabulary and assessing whether this criticism is fair. As a result, it was determined that naming units in the form of substantivised participles cannot replace the entire range of naming units for persons, but their role in modern German is increasing due to the tendency to use gender-neutral language in many spheres of life. An overly literal perception of the semantics of participles is often the cause of such criticism.


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Author information

Anna Vladislavovna Melgunova


St. Petersburg University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 2, 2023.
  • Published: September 4, 2023.


  • словообразование немецкого языка
  • субстантивация
  • причастие
  • суффиксация
  • гендерно-нейтральные номинации
  • word formation in the German language
  • substantivisation
  • participle
  • suffixation
  • gender-neutral naming units


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