• Original research article
  • September 6, 2023
  • Open access

Features of the formation of proper names and the ways of their rendering into the Russian language (based on the material of the children’s tale “Adventures of Cipollino” by G. Rodari)


The research aims to determine the peculiarities of the formation of proper names in Italian children’s tales (based on the material of the children’s tale “Cipollino” by G. Rodari), as well as the ways of their rendering into Russian. The paper deals with the problem of the translation of nicknames, considerable attention is paid to the preservation of internal motivation of the lexical units in question. The research presents an analysis of the ways of proper names formation, as well as the statistical data reflecting the choice of one or another translation technique. The factors that the translator has to take into account to create an adequate translation are considered, as the studied language units concentrate a large amount of additional information about the culture of the country, about the author’s attitude to the character, about the most striking features of his character. Whether a literary work has success abroad largely depends on a good translation of the proper name. The scientific novelty lies in determining the most frequent ways of rendering a proper name that generally resembles a nickname in its form and content in children’s literature. As a result, the main suffixes with which proper names are formed in the studied fairy tale have been identified, as well as the reasons for using various ways of their rendering into Russian.


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Author information

Elena Olegovna Shapovalova


Chelyabinsk State University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: July 3, 2023.
  • Published: September 6, 2023.


  • имя собственное
  • прозвище
  • внутренняя мотивированность
  • переводческие соответствия
  • приемы перевода
  • proper name
  • nickname
  • internal motivation
  • translation correspondences
  • translation techniques


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