• Original research article
  • October 9, 2023
  • Open access

Nominative potential of the axiological paradigm of the memorial media portrait of a cinema legend (based on the material of the French language)


The study aims to identify the characteristics of evaluative names that form the paradigm of the axiological field of the memorial media portrait of a cinema legend. The study was carried out using the material of a special issue of the journal “Le Figaro Hommage” published in September 2021 in connection with the passing of the French cinema legend Jean-Paul Belmondo – “Le Magnifique. Jean-Paul Belmondo 1933/2021”. The paper presents a systematic analysis of a set of names that create the axiological field of the memorial media portrait of the cinema legend. The study is novel in that it is the first to take a multilevel approach to analysing various types of names of a French film star presented in the micro-, macro- and hyper-context. Attention is paid to the lexico-semantic aspect of the names, their usage as part of different stylistic devices, as well as their role in the system of references that extend the axiological space of the media portrait of the cinema legend beyond the boundaries of articles and the entire special issue dedicated to Belmondo. The results show that the memorial media portrait of the cinema legend represents an archetypal phenomenon in which an idealised image of the screen star is formed with the help of a set of naming units.


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Author information

Elena Nikolaevna Mikhailova


Belgorod State National Research University

Victoria Alexandrovna Telegina


Belgorod State National Research University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 22, 2023.
  • Published: October 9, 2023.


  • медиадискурс
  • мемориальный медиапортрет
  • кинолегенда
  • номинация
  • коллективная память
  • media discourse
  • memorial media portrait
  • cinema legend
  • name
  • collective memory


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