• Opinion Paper
  • November 23, 2023
  • Open access

The prose of Yeremey Aipin: Ethnophilological perspective and historical poetics: monograph / ed. by Doctor in Philology S. A. Komarov. Moscow: Nauka, 2023. 384 p.: Book review


The monograph offers the reception of the established practice of Russian and foreign studies carried out in the 1970s-2000s and the latest approaches based on the prose of the Khanty prose writer Yeremey Aipin. A wide range of analysis and the “ethnocultural” optics of the authoring team’s view of Aipin’s creative work determined the concept of the study: the first chapter contains an overview of methodological approaches in the study of the literature of Siberian peoples; the second one is devoted to the analysis of the Khanty writer’s prose as an artistic whole and its genre content; the final chapter examines the “ontological constants” in the works of the Khanty writer from the perspective of the prose traditions characteristic of the “classics of the empire”, i.e., Chinghiz Aitmatov, Vasily Belov, etc.


  1. Жулева А. С. Три мира народов Севера. Литературные образы. М.: ФлилинЪ, 2020.
  2. Проза Еремея Айпина: этнофилологический ракурс и историческая поэтика: монография / отв. ред. д-р филол. наук С. А. Комаров. М.: Наука, 2023.
  3. Султанов К. К. Национальное самосознание и ценностные ориентации литературы. М.: ИМЛИ РАН; Наследие, 2001.

Author information

Yulia Gennadievna Khazankovich


Ammosov North-Eastern Federal University, Yakutsk

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: October 7, 2023.
  • Published: November 23, 2023.


  • хантыйская литература
  • Еремей Айпин
  • этнофилологический подход
  • литература народов России
  • хантыйская проза
  • Khanty literature
  • Yeremey Aipin
  • ethnophilological approach
  • literature of Russian peoples
  • Khanty prose


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