Organizational and pedagogical conditions of differentiated learning for students of non-linguistic specialities in English grammar through chatbots
The aim of the study is to determine the organizational and pedagogical conditions of differentiated learning for students of non-linguistic specialities in English grammar through chatbots to ensure the most productive and relevant educational process in line with the realities of the digital society. The article analyzes the characteristics of the most advanced technology - the chatbot ChatGPT, which operates based on artificial intelligence. It has been identified that integrating this technical solution into education requires adherence to a set of organizational conditions for the successful implementation of the pedagogical process. According to the latest finding, the work elaborates in detail on the conditions to be followed when using chat applications in educational activities. The scientific novelty lies in identifying specific features of the educational process within which the innovative technology - the chatbot ChatGPT - is being implemented. These features, in turn, impact the constructiveness and functionality of learning, emphasizing the need to consider them to achieve the educational goals. The research establishes that organizational and pedagogical conditions are a key component in implementing differentiated learning of English grammar through chatbots and include aspects such as: a) access to technical equipment and software; b) digital literacy of students; c) digital competence of the teacher; d) designing an individual learning route; e) integrating acquired skills into real communicative activities.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: January 29, 2024.
- Published: March 20, 2024.
- чат-боты
- чат-бот ChatGPT
- обучение грамматике английского языка
- организационно-педагогические условия
- современные технологии
- chatbots
- chatbot ChatGPT
- learning English grammar
- organizational and pedagogical conditions
- modern technologies
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