• Original research article
  • July 4, 2024
  • Open access

Graph-phonemic aspect of the transfer of stylistically archaic synonyms in computer-game localization (based on the material of Russian and English languages)


The purpose of the study is to develop an optimal technique for transferring stylistically archaic synonyms from English into Russian in the localization of a computer game based on the analysis of the adequacy of their translation options in the official Russian localization. The article examines and describes the onomasticon of the Pillars of Eternity computer game, taking into account the grapho-phonemic correspondences of the Old English language and the role of these correspondences in the stylistic archaization of onyms. This aspect of the study has become the key for analyzing the transfer of the latter from English to Russian in the official localization of the game. The last stage of the work was the development of a methodology for the transfer of analyzed synonyms during localization. The scientific novelty of this study is due to the comprehensive approach to the analysis of computer-game onomastic material within the framework of the theory of translation and diachronic graphics and phonetics; the choice of stylistically archaic Old English inclusions of onyms and their transfer into Russian as research material; identification of graph-phonemic correspondences of the Old English language and ways of their transfer into Russian when translating a game onomasticon as a means of creating and preserving stylistic archaization, respectively; the first experience in developing a systematic methodology for transferring a stylistically archaic onym in localization. As a result, it was found that in the official version of the localization of the selected computer game there is an inconsistent transfer of synonyms with the "loss" of stylistic archaization. The proposed method takes into account the peculiarities of Old English phonology and writing, which allows us more accurately to transfer stylistically archaic game names into Russian. Such a transfer helps to preserve the historical and cultural context of the game.


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Author information

Anna Alekseevna Shageeva


Ural Federal University

Kirill Vladimirovich Anufriev

Ural Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: April 28, 2024.
  • Published: July 4, 2024.


  • ономастикон компьютерной игры
  • локализация компьютерных игр
  • стилистически архаизованный оним
  • древнеанглийский язык
  • древнеанглийская письменность
  • перевод игрового ономастикона
  • computer game onomasticon
  • localization of computer games
  • stylistically archaic onym
  • Old English
  • Old English writing
  • translation of the game onomasticon


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