• Original research article
  • July 25, 2024
  • Open access

Concept SOLDIER in Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews


The purpose of this study is to identify the linguistic and cultural components that are part of the semantic structure of the SOLDIER concept in the Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews. The scientific novelty of the study is that the article for the first time considers the components of the SOLDIER concept in Russian, as well as Chinese linguistic worldviews at the linguistic and cultural level in a comparative aspect. Within the framework of this study, an etymological analysis of the SOLDIER concept was carried out, its core zone was distinguished on the basis of studied dictionary entries of Russian and Chinese languages, the periphery was determined by analyzing stable expressions, phraseological locutions, proverbs, sayings, extracts of literature and the mass media. In the course of the study, it was possible to establish that the core zones of the SOLDIER concept almost completely coincide in the Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews, the difference can be traced in the peripheral zone. It was revealed that for the Russian people the image of a SOLDIER is associated with bravery, dedication, courage, protection, for the Chinese, the image is associated not only with courage, but also with sacrifice, as well as with cooperation. The results made it possible to reveal a great degree of similarity between the Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews in the field of the SOLDIER concept.


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Author information

Snezhana Vasilyevna Yerzheninova

Military Academy of Communications, Saint Petersburg

Olga Alexandrovna Tolokonnikova

Military Academy of Communications, Saint Petersburg

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: May 16, 2024.
  • Published: July 25, 2024.


  • ядерная часть концепта СОЛДАТ
  • периферия концепта СОЛДАТ
  • русская и китайская языковые картины мира
  • семантика концепта СОЛДАТ
  • языковое сознание
  • военная лексика
  • core of the SOLDER concept
  • periphery of the SOLDER concept
  • Russian and Chinese linguistic worldviews
  • semantics of the SOLDER concept
  • linguistic consciousness
  • military lexis


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