• Original research article
  • December 3, 2024
  • Open access

Actual problems of the functioning of the izafat in the modern Crimean Tatar language


The purpose of the study is to explain the causes of grammatical and spelling errors in the phonetic constructions of the modern Crimean Tatar language. The article identifies and analyzes the actual problems of using izafat constructions of Turkic, Persian and Arabic origin in the modern Crimean Tatar language. It is established that the most frequent problems are the distinction and spelling of the Turkic izafat of the first type and a compound word due to their similarity to each other, as well as the problems of the transition of nominal phrase of the second type into the first type, which can be caused either by the antiquity of izafat of the first type or a lack of proficiency in the native language. The scientific novelty lies in identifying spelling and grammatical errors in the use of the alphabet and explaining the reasons for their appearance in the modern Crimean Tatar language. As a result, it was determined that the truncation of the affix of belonging in the defined word of the construction is due to the choice of the speaker because of ignorance of grammatical rules, ease of pronunciation and lack of linguistic intuition. Errors are common in phrases in which the definition is expressed by a verbal name, a derivative noun, a calendar year number, etc. Such mistakes take root in oral speech and sometimes manifest themselves in writing, becoming the norm.


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Author information

Lenura Ablyamitovna Koroglu


Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University named after Fevzi Yakubov, Simferopol

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: November 1, 2024.
  • Published: December 3, 2024.


  • крымскотатарский язык
  • изафетная конструкция
  • тюркский изафет I и II типа
  • арабский изафет
  • персидский изафет
  • сложное слово
  • грамматические и орфографические ошибки
  • Crimean Tatar language
  • izafat construction
  • Turkic izafat of the first and second types
  • Arabic izafat
  • Persian izafat
  • compound word
  • grammatical and spelling errors


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