• Original research article
  • January 29, 2025
  • Open access

Artistic dominants of Anna Seghers' short story "The Square"


The aim of this research is to identify the specifics of the artistic world in A. Seghers' short story "The Square." The article explores aspects of the work’s poetics, such as chronotope, motifs, and expressive-visual means. The scientific novelty of our work lies in the consideration of the artistic dominants of this short story based on a comprehensive approach, which has allowed us to expand our understanding of the creative method of the writer's short prose, who turned to depicting life in Germany after the rise of fascism to power. The results showed that the author's view of historical processes is revealed through a realistic method, demonstrating the richness of forms of artistic embodiment of reality, and combined with techniques of symbolism. The author immerses herself in the inner world of her characters, views the surroundings through their eyes, and her presence is externally imperceptible. The enclosed and mental types of space in the story demonstrate a connection with the main motif of the work – the motif of the square, the window to a better world, and perform the functions of a border, contact, and barrier, among others, introducing the oppositions of life/death, harmony/disharmony, old/new, spiritual/material, good/evil. The leading expressive-visual means are subtext, detail-symbols, internal speech, and wordplay.


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Author information

Alexandra Naumovna Anisimova


Moscow City Pedagogical University, Samara branch

Yulia Ivanovna Efremova


Samara State University of Economics

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 17, 2024.
  • Published: January 29, 2025.


  • рассказы А. Зегерс
  • художественные доминанты
  • хронотоп рассказа
  • детали-символы
  • изобразительно-выразительные средства
  • A. Seghers' short stories
  • artistic dominants
  • short story chronotope
  • detail-symbols
  • expressive-visual means


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