Application of artificial intelligence tools in foreign language teaching: A theoretical review
The paper presents a review of foreign English-language and Russian scientific and pedagogical literature, seeking to consider the pressing problems of application of artificial intelligence tools in modern foreign language education. The review analyses the potential, problems and prospects of implementing artificial intelligence in the sphere of foreign language teaching. The scientific novelty of the review lies in identifying the most significant research tasks of the application of artificial intelligence tools and promising research directions in this area. As a result, the works of 2021-2024 on the subject under consideration are analyzed, and the problems of application of artificial intelligence tools are described.
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About this article
Publication history
- Received: December 10, 2024.
- Published: January 31, 2025.
- инструменты искусственного интеллекта
- обучение иностранному языку
- образовательные технологии
- цифровая компетентность
- artificial intelligence tools
- foreign language teaching
- educational technologies
- digital competence
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