• Original research article
  • April 1, 2017
  • Open access



The study of mass media ideology was carried out by four basic critical schools. Analyzing their scientific works the author identifies the four key problems concerning mass media ideology in the context of critical paradigm: 1) mass media commodification in ideology reproduction; 2) mass communication technologies as a new kind of ideology generator; 3) symbolic mass media generation in ideology circulation; and 4) audience’s perception of media-message as an ideological competition. Only considering the interaction of all of these aspects the modern science can provide a comprehensive approach to the mentioned problem.


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Author information

Yan Liu

Far Eastern Federal University

About this article

Publication history

  • Published: April 1, 2017.


  • СМИ
  • критическая парадигма
  • идеология
  • политическая экономия
  • дискурс-анализ
  • аудитория
  • технологии массовой коммуникации
  • mass media
  • critical paradigm
  • ideology
  • political economy
  • discourse-analysis
  • audience
  • mass communication technologies


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