• Original research article
  • June 10, 2019
  • Open access



The article discusses some aspects of the professional and business orientation of teaching a foreign language at a higher education institution of culture. The basic principles of the selection of educational material with the markers of professional and business orientation of training are highlighted. Examples show the basic principles of selecting the content and methods of teaching English to students majoring in “Culture Studies and Socio-Cultural Projects” and “Fine and Applied Arts” taking into account the specificity of their future professional activity. A set of professionally oriented business and creative exercises is presented, which allow using the foreign language in conditionally “real” situations of professional written and oral communication.


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Author information

Svetlana Aleksandrovna Tikhonova

Krasnodar State Institute of Culture

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: August 1, 2018.
  • Published: June 10, 2019.


  • профессионально-ориентированное обучение
  • профессионально-деловая ориентация обучения иностранным языкам
  • мотивация
  • аутентичный учебный материал
  • творческие и проектные задания
  • professionally oriented training
  • professional and business orientation of foreign language teaching
  • motivation
  • authentic educational material
  • creative and project tasks


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© 2019 Gramota Publishing, LLC

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