• Original research article
  • February 3, 2025
  • Open access

Space as one of the key elements of the narrative in the novel “The Well at the World’s End” by William Morris


The aim of the research is to interpret the linguistic means and stylistic devices used to describe the characteristics of space in William Morris’s novel. In the genre of fantasy literature, the description of the space in which the author develops the plot is of particular importance. In William Morris’s novel “The Well at the World’s End”, a prominent example of fantasy literature, space plays a central role. The scientific novelty of the research lies in its interdisciplinary approach, which combines methods of linguistic analysis with elements of literary studies and philosophy. The analysis of W. Morris’s novel conducted by the author of the article makes it possible to demonstrate space as a multi-layered phenomenon, combining real and fictional elements, performing not only aesthetic but also conceptual functions. As a result, its functions in the development of the plot, the formation of characters, and the reader’s perception of the text were determined. It is emphasized that the process of the spatial elements themselves becoming active participants in the author’s intention, as well as the metaphors, epithets, and sensory images used by W. Morris, reflect the philosophical and emotional aspects of the work.


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Author information

Elena Alexeevna Starodubtseva


Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: December 19, 2024.
  • Published: February 3, 2025.


  • произведения жанра фэнтези
  • символика пространства
  • выразительные средства языка
  • сенсорные образы
  • роман Уильяма Морриса «Колодец на краю света»
  • works of the fantasy genre
  • symbolism of space
  • means of linguistic expression
  • sensory images
  • William Morris’s novel “The Well at the World’s End”


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