Contents Open access 2024. Volume 17. Issue 9 Current issue. Check out the publication deadlines. All issues Top Russian Literature Image of Crimea in the poetry of the second half of the 20th century (based on the anthology “Crimean Pages of Russian Poetry” (1975-2015)) S. P. Gudkova E. O. Sheyanova War as a spiritual and moral test and frontier in the life and work of E. I. Nosov, a front-line writer N. V. Belyaeva O. V. Pigoreva Representation of V. A. Zhukovsky’s creative work in the “History of Russian Poetry” (2002) by Xu Zhifang Wanying Wu I. A. Poplavskaya Foreign Literature Concept of magical education in D. W. Jones’s novel “Year of the Griffin” O. S. Naumchik “Fu on Whistling” by the Chinese poet Chenggong Sui (231-273) I. I. Semenenko Continuity between the creative work of the English line poets Edward Thomas and Philip Larkin against the backdrop of the familiar landscape E. V. Talyzina Russian Language Anthroponym-based derivatives formed from precedent names in the poetic texts of contemporary authors L. I. Plotnikova A. A. Tarutina Communicative dominants of the sports internet discourse on figure skating E. G. Malysheva O. S. Rogaleva Semantic convergence of lexemes by a synonymous type in a literary context (based on the novella “For the Sake of Their Brothers” by M. I. Bryzhinsky) E. N. Morozova N. N. Gorshkova N. A. Nesterova Languages of Russia The attribute in the Abaza language: Means of expression and grammatical connection with sentence parts S. U. Pazov L. K. Pazova Germanic Languages Ellipses of the participle, the subject noun phrase in participle constructions and their explication based on the English-language economic discourse S. A. Dyakonova Anglicisms as functional-pragmatic markers of digital communication among Russian-speaking youth O. A. Frolova The manipulative potential of grammatical means in the English-language judicial discourse E. V. Ryumkova Theory of Language Smiley, emoticon, and emoji as nonverbal communication tools in internet communication U. I. Turko Means of actualizing communicative demonstrativeness in business discourse I. A. Tislenkova Metaphorical modeling of Confucian philosophical discourse Lili Xu The pragmatic potential of the teaching language text (based on French and German teaching materials) A. A. Rogaleva Realization of punctuation trends in natural written language in epistolary texts by semiliterate authors (as exemplified by the use of separating punctuation marks) O. O. Bageeva Comparative and Contrastive Research An experimental study of the phonetic realization of Russian speech by native speakers of Karachay-Balkar I. A. Gurtueva Linguocultural approach to the inner form and actual meaning of phraseological units with a gastronomic component (based on English, Russian, and Chechen) M. T. Usmanova S. I. Tasueva L. H. Jakob: Philological sciences through the lens of aesthetics L. Y. Makarova Expository translation as a tool employed to compensate for the loss of meaning while rendering terminological units of the football sphere from English into Russian O. V. Spiridovsky The behavioral aspect of the category of relations as an object of interdisciplinary research: A comparative theoretical and analytical review of current trends I. A. Savvateeva Metaphorical conceptualization in the texts of international documents as exemplified by the authentic texts of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015) in Russian, English, and French M. S. Kurganova D. N. Novikov Applied Linguistics Automatic extraction of named entities in the Chinese-Russian corpus of parallel and comparable texts on political topics Hui Zhu O. A. Mitrofanova Problems of extracting semi-structured textual information based on Text Mining technology (using the material of the Russian and Chuvash languages) A. R. Gubanov A. A. Danilov Y. N. Isaev G. F. Gubanova Ecolinguistic and linguopragmatic aspects of the information space of regional media (using the example of the news headings “Sport” and “Tourism”) A. S. Kobyskan Inter-rater agreement in annotating text world elements in the TextWorlds corpus E. V. Mikhalkova Formal model for evaluating the image of a character in a fictional work (based on G. Orwell’s novel “1984”) A. I. Gorozhanov E. A. Krasikova Interdisciplinary Language Studies Short-term dynamics of interests among humanities students based on the analysis of the semantic field of the notion “interests” (according to psycholinguistic experiment data) M. G. Verszynina L. A. Belova Book Reviews Current issues in the grammar and lexicon of Slavic languages: A collection of scientific articles / ed. by O. A. Ostapchuk. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2024. 260 p.: Book review A. I. Izotov
Image of Crimea in the poetry of the second half of the 20th century (based on the anthology “Crimean Pages of Russian Poetry” (1975-2015)) S. P. Gudkova E. O. Sheyanova
War as a spiritual and moral test and frontier in the life and work of E. I. Nosov, a front-line writer N. V. Belyaeva O. V. Pigoreva
Representation of V. A. Zhukovsky’s creative work in the “History of Russian Poetry” (2002) by Xu Zhifang Wanying Wu I. A. Poplavskaya
Continuity between the creative work of the English line poets Edward Thomas and Philip Larkin against the backdrop of the familiar landscape E. V. Talyzina
Anthroponym-based derivatives formed from precedent names in the poetic texts of contemporary authors L. I. Plotnikova A. A. Tarutina
Communicative dominants of the sports internet discourse on figure skating E. G. Malysheva O. S. Rogaleva
Semantic convergence of lexemes by a synonymous type in a literary context (based on the novella “For the Sake of Their Brothers” by M. I. Bryzhinsky) E. N. Morozova N. N. Gorshkova N. A. Nesterova
The attribute in the Abaza language: Means of expression and grammatical connection with sentence parts S. U. Pazov L. K. Pazova
Ellipses of the participle, the subject noun phrase in participle constructions and their explication based on the English-language economic discourse S. A. Dyakonova
Anglicisms as functional-pragmatic markers of digital communication among Russian-speaking youth O. A. Frolova
The manipulative potential of grammatical means in the English-language judicial discourse E. V. Ryumkova
The pragmatic potential of the teaching language text (based on French and German teaching materials) A. A. Rogaleva
Realization of punctuation trends in natural written language in epistolary texts by semiliterate authors (as exemplified by the use of separating punctuation marks) O. O. Bageeva
An experimental study of the phonetic realization of Russian speech by native speakers of Karachay-Balkar I. A. Gurtueva
Linguocultural approach to the inner form and actual meaning of phraseological units with a gastronomic component (based on English, Russian, and Chechen) M. T. Usmanova S. I. Tasueva
Expository translation as a tool employed to compensate for the loss of meaning while rendering terminological units of the football sphere from English into Russian O. V. Spiridovsky
The behavioral aspect of the category of relations as an object of interdisciplinary research: A comparative theoretical and analytical review of current trends I. A. Savvateeva
Metaphorical conceptualization in the texts of international documents as exemplified by the authentic texts of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change (2015) in Russian, English, and French M. S. Kurganova D. N. Novikov
Automatic extraction of named entities in the Chinese-Russian corpus of parallel and comparable texts on political topics Hui Zhu O. A. Mitrofanova
Problems of extracting semi-structured textual information based on Text Mining technology (using the material of the Russian and Chuvash languages) A. R. Gubanov A. A. Danilov Y. N. Isaev G. F. Gubanova
Ecolinguistic and linguopragmatic aspects of the information space of regional media (using the example of the news headings “Sport” and “Tourism”) A. S. Kobyskan
Formal model for evaluating the image of a character in a fictional work (based on G. Orwell’s novel “1984”) A. I. Gorozhanov E. A. Krasikova
Short-term dynamics of interests among humanities students based on the analysis of the semantic field of the notion “interests” (according to psycholinguistic experiment data) M. G. Verszynina L. A. Belova
Current issues in the grammar and lexicon of Slavic languages: A collection of scientific articles / ed. by O. A. Ostapchuk. Moscow: MAKS Press, 2024. 260 p.: Book review A. I. Izotov